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What's In Your Garage?

Writer's picture: Virginia InstallationsVirginia Installations

I’m a garage kind of guy. When my wife and I were looking to buy our first house her “must have” list included a formal dining room, a large kitchen, and hardwood floors. My list consisted of a garage. I love garages, barns, out buildings, sheds; they’re places where a man can go and just be manly. A place to work on your car, repair something that was broken, or just piddle around. Unfortunately, since I’m married, I don’t get a garage all to myself anymore. Instead I have to share a garage with my wife.

I have hand tools, power tools, air tools, car parts, lawn mower parts, garden tools, masonry tools, and, of course, cars that all need to be stored in my garage. Now in addition I have to find a place for Christmas decorations, baby clothes, rarely used appliances, and other filled storage totes that I am afraid to open. As if organizing my own stuff wasn’t enough of a chore, I now have to take what precious small space I have left and find somewhere to put house hold articles. It’s for this reason that I am a huge advocate of Garage Organization Systems.

In my garage I have a wall-hung freedomRail® cabinet with shelves and drawers, wire shelves, two separate work benches, a wall of pegboard for tools, and a shelving unit for my wife’s totes of household goods. I also installed a pull down attic ladder for overhead storage of rarely used items, and a golf bag hanger/organizer on one wall.

Now, with my garage organized (not necessarily clean; that’s a different story), I have room for all of my essentials and still enough room for my vehicles. This turns my garage into a space I am able to work in, but also helps me easily find the tools I need and put them back where they go. Not to mention it makes my wife happy that our “crap” is not taking up valuable stoage space in our small house. Garage kind of guy? You’d better believe it.

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 992 S East Side Hwy., Elkton, VA 22827


 (540) 298-5300



Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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